Thursday, August 19, 2010

Advertisement photography

Nikkor 85mm f1:1.4 (shot at f-2.0)

This photo that I took from a birthday party was shown up on a local Korean weekly advertisement magazine. So I guess I'm an advertisement photographer now?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Kodak moment

* This is an old blog entry that I wrote, about 4 months after Renee moved to Chico 3 years ago. I was just about to start my 5th year in graduate school at UCSF.

August 30, 2006

There are several newbies in the lab (mostly postdocs) who started during the summer month. This entry is about Dr. C, one of the newbies from China. He joined our lab as a postdoc just a few weeks after he received a Ph.D., leaving his wife and two yr old daughter behind. I went to the airport to pick him up the day he arrived, and said 'welcome to America' to a foreigner for the first time in my life.

Almost immediately I knew that Dr. C is a friendly guy--it did not take long to realize that we're gonna get along just fine (his doctoral thesis is something similar to mine, and he's given an assignment to work with me). Although there is a great difficulty for all lab members to communicate with him, he shows smiles on his face often even when i give him a sign like 'I'm-very-annoyed-that-you-don't-understand-what-I'm-trying-to-say' look on my face.

What a guy. What a character. I can't even imagine what he's going through without his family near him. I tried to picture my parents when my family immigrated 17 yr ago, and even when we were together my parents had tough time. This guy (though he's more educated than my parents) must be lonely as hell, but he seems perfectly fine. He misses his family a lot, but he works harder than anyone else (he shows up before I arrive shortly before 10am, and he is usually the last person I say 'good night' to before I leave work. He works on saturday and sunday, and all weekdays).

Last night right before I left the lab, I witnessed one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever seen at work (well, maybe the only beautiful sight)--Dr. C talking to his wife on the phone. It may sound so simple and ordinary, but what's amazing is that I've never seen him so happy since he arrived in late-July (even though he smiles often). this was truly a Kodak moment, the kind that you only get to see on TV (which are mostly, if not all, dramatized). I had no idea what he was saying on the phone (it was in Chinese, of course)--maybe about his daughter, life in America (which i think consist of 70% work and 30% bed), or what he ate for lunch and breakfast. No offense, but the tone of Chinese language is not the most romantic one out there and it is really hard to tell whether one is having a heated argument or simple conversation to someone like me who doesn't understand the language. Nonetheless, it was absolutely a beautiful sight to me, and I was just quitely observing from the opposite corner of the lab thinking of Renee.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Random stuff

Nikkor 18mm f3.5 1/13 sec

1. Computer virus attacks: I see more people around me getting computer viruses at work and at home. So I was wondering yesterday after work, why do we have to feel always vulnerable to these attacks? It seems like today's anti-virus software does not work well enough to prevent these malicious attacks. So why can't some genius find out a way to develop a program that can prevent computers from attackers, but also counter-attack the hackers from outside when these events occur? It seems like software developers of anti-virus programs only focused on defense, but not the other way around? Is it because there is no money involved for destroying malicious hackers computers by flooding them with counter-attack viruses?

2. I am doing some serious soul-searching to find out what I really want to do in my life. I am having a second thought about my intended career path in industry, and seriously considering a job in academia these days. My decision is not finalized, and I am still a rookie postdoc. But I need to make some adjustments in my future plans if I want to pursue an academic career. I don't know, I can't see myself as a professor, but I like the idea of having my own laboratory, and working on research projects that excite me. What kind of projects excite me? Well, interesting ones, of course!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Life time student

Nikkor 30mm f/4.5 1/2500 s
(Yes, this is a single frame photo)

Lately I am learning a special topic on protein science, which is somewhat related to my work. I find it so exciting to learn something new. I try to make time to read more papers and learn as much as possible even if I have to go to bed late at night. It reminds me of those ol' days when I had to cram for mid-term or final exams with tons of coffeee and sweets. Of course, I didn't like everything I studied back then. I really like the fact that I can be more selective now to get more excited with learning for work.

Eh... I am feeling tired...

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Destin Beach, FL
Nikkor 200 mm f5.6 0.8 sec

Top priority for this year for me is to be healthier physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.

Spend more quality time at home
Take better photos
Pick up tennis (again) and golf (maybe)
Read Bible more often
Pray more often
Be less selfish
Focus on productivity and efficiency at work
Publish more papers